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Fall Reset: Hit Refresh + Rebalance Your Life

There are innumerable ways to do a reset at the onset of every season, and each seasonal reset is important. That said, I think Fall is a particularly important time to take stock of priorities and focuses.

Why? Well for starters fall is the time everyone goes back to their busy lives and schedules. Vacations are over, schools are open, and time management slips away. You can feel the change inside your body, where mounting stress moves in to replace vanishing calm. But Fall can be the perfect time to reassess and reset. Here are five ideas that might help:

  1. Go simple. Make a list of what needs to get done. Create three separate sections on your list and label them Today, This Week, and Future (ideally, things in the Future section have a drop date on when they should be completed). The simple part of this strategy comes in creating headspace as you move to-do tasks onto lists. This is also an opportunity to evaluate tasks and eliminate those with limited importance. Focus and think quality of life when you consider what can go. For example, can you squeeze in more workout time by having groceries delivered? Or can you buy (healthy) pre-made meals one or two nights a week so you don’t have to cook and can spend more time on yourself or with the kids?
  2. Get sleep. Work on your sleep routine. It’s paramount to your health, happiness, and wellness to sleep well. Place importance on getting at least seven hours each night. Go to bed at the same time each night without distractions. The place you sleep should be a quiet, cozy and dark sanctuary to set the right tone. Here’s a link to one of our most popular blogs for more ways you can improve your sleep.
  3. Check in with your diet. As temps fall, the urge surfaces to eat foods that are heavier and comforting — breads, pastas, potatoes, and anything rich. That’s all OK in moderation. A good rule of thumb is to make sure 75% of meals are still made with fresh whole foods (preferably local + organic) and healthy fats. For instance, eat mostly lean meats such as turkey, chicken and fish, and splurge with red meat a few times a month. Fall vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, squash and cauliflower will offer you fiber, vitamins, and all the antioxidants you need to keep your skin glowing … and your digestive system moving along. Also, whole grains like brown rice and quinoa will help keep you full and satisfied and offer lots of minerals and vitamins. And cook with heart-healthy fats (olive oil and avocado oil).
  4. Self-care. Seriously, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Self-care isn’t just masking up when your skin acts up. When you need a rest, admit it and take it. It’s so easy to just go, go, go and forget to slow down or stop. We think it’s total self care to just say no, occasionally. Give yourself a rest and recharge. Take a bath. Or get a massage. Just do it. Now.
  5. Review your skincare routine. You may need to moisturize more often now than you did during the summer. Switching to a cleanser like Nurture, which is made for dry skin, can help supply extra hydration. If your skin feels tight, you may need to wash less and moisturize more. New breakouts? You may need to do more exfoliating or masking. Super dry? You may need a supplemental form of moisture — Super Dew is perfect for providing that. Lines creeping in? Super Boost to the rescue. At Starling we think there is no single blueprint for happy skin. This one takes some time and consideration to get it right.
If you tackle even two of the suggestions on this list you are on your way to a productive Fall reset. Yay, you!